Connecting Buyers and Sellers of Campgrounds and RV Parks

Sell a Park

The sale of your largest single investment is a big deal – both financially and emotionally, and represents a significant one-time event, with no “do-overs.” We understand.

Our focus is very simple:

Through confidential, transparent discussions, meeting a business owner where they are at, and guiding them in specific individually desired goals and objectives that concludes into a successful business exit in their ideal time frame.

We offer sellers a worldwide audience of qualified potential buyers in addition to the bonus of a rich diversity of internal individual company skills. With our entire team’s extensive experience, deep market knowledge, superior data and proprietary technology, our multi-dimensional perspective and approach bolsters a seller the comfort of potentially greater success.

Our audience is exclusive to your type of business.

Our process begins with a confidential, no obligation, pre-sale consultation and business evaluation. Selling is a process, not an event. Planning the ideal timing for exiting is critical.

When you are ready to launch the marketing of your campground, RV park, or resort we offer compelling confidential and motivating video and photo showcasing, while matching qualified buyers and professional assistance in every step toward a successful sale and closing for a seller. Our entire team sets the highwater mark you deserve.

You deserve to explore all the advantages we offer – then compare.

Call or email us today, we’ll keep it confidential.

For Brokers or For Sale by Owners needing a huge audience reach, simply complete the form below and we’ll get your listing posted in no time! You get unlimited text and photos, links to any promotional videos, and free revisions and updates, all at an incredible low price of just $145.00 for one full year of exposure.

Here is what two recent For Sale By Owner sellers had to say about their experience with our process:

“I wish to thank you a million times over! It was selfless and gracious of you to help a complete stranger, and your advice and moral support were my silver lining in the less than pleasant, nearly 4-year battle with the city over the campground. Thank you for assisting with my likely value and getting through the city battle!” – Cass, from Montana

“We are officially under contract and have earnest money in hand! Thank you so much for everything! You have a great website. I used along with your website from late January to mid-March. However, all serious inquiries came from people that saw my park on your website. So, hats off to you!” – Susan R., Alabama

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