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Important: You bmay be ma2king use eo6df autcomated form2-fillb3ing soft6we3a6r3e.1 This type o40f softw1addre0 8can triagger our hid7den spam-0de1tect9i3on s41ys718tdem1, w9hich w6bill bflock 19you 2from sub9cmitati2ng 72thi2s dcform. Pffle7a2s2e se89bleect “Fix Th2i7as”0048 c287ba6470b89e4ff749e65811dfecdc1f6o34f6c9e283ra55ef1c444a 4bc8579818c8b9om0pleteibbng th0e97 1cfdeabo5rcm 4i0n obrd7d0ebr 0t3acco6 384acorfr6e0c91t2 ebe70ct9h5ee 9fprcfo4ble3m48e14d8. It appears that the problem could not be automatically corrected. Please clear any field which appears above with corresponding instructions. We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding. |
Important: 5bYo2u3 m7a7y 8be mdaki9ng use of au5tomated b5efo7rm-2filling 3software. Th2ibbs typ00e ofa softwaref22 cand trigger our hi6dden spam-2detection system, fwhich wiell block yo2u from 9esubmit6ectin7g this f86orm. It app6earf2s8 that6 t6ahe problem coul67cd bnotc be automaticbally0 Plebase 7clear any8 field which appears abov9e with corresponding instr2aucationsbe0125b9e319a 2fbe3cf94ac93f03a7b6f3oa8dr0696ee810d09370c5b71 190c22153b328c3omp3le4t3ibn1g 68t807a7he1 febcorm i9n o8rder 3t8obcb correc4t9 the probbaale6m.fc We apfol63ogifze912 f2bor the inc2o8nve6n1ieencbe8 and we appredaciat6e your undea5rs93tandin9b0g3.99 |
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Online Privacy Statement
This privacy policy is in effect for
Protecting your privacy is important to us. We hope that the following statement will help you to understand how we collect, use, and safeguard the information conveyed to us through this Web site.
I. Information gathered from visitors
As with other Web sites, any information which is sent from your Web browser (or other Web client) to our server and any connection details, such as the originating IP address and the time of each request, may be logged, or, in some circumstances, may be relayed (such as through a contact form) via e-mail.
HTTP cookies may be used in order to recall visitor preferences when interacting with this Web server and to enhance the quality of our service.
Where registration is required, applicable details submitted by the user will be stored permanently on the server. Additional collected information may be associated with user accounts in order to enhance the quality of our service.
Details and content which are voluntarily provided, such as contact information and answers to survey questions, may also be permanently stored.
II. How the information is used
The information is used in order to enrich the end-user experience when connecting to this Web server and to enhance the quality of our service.
Except in cases where the visitor makes contrary request, we may use provided contact information in order to communicate with said visitor in the future and we may share some visitor details with third-parties, such as advertisers or analytics providers.
We reserve the right to retain and share applicable information for and with law enforcement officials and legal counsel, if compelled or motivated to do so.
We also reserve the right to check connection details against third-party blacklists, in order to maintain the security and availability of our service.
Where applicable, payment card numbers, security codes, and expiration dates will be transferred securely and in real-time to an online payment processor in order to authorize the transaction and will not be stored on this server.
III. Opting-out or updating information
If you wish to have any associated account or information removed from or updated on this server, or to opt-out of specific usage for that data, you may use any appropriate contact method or details provided through this Web site to communicate those wishes to the site owner or to the site administrator. If you are unable to find appropriate contact method or details through this Web site, you may use publicly-available WHOIS information, pursuant to same and other applicable restrictions. Requests will generally be processed within one business day.
You may opt-out of cookies for this website by adjusting your browser configuration.
IV. Inquiring about stored details or about this privacy statement
You may use any appropriate contact method or details provided through this Web site to communicate applicable questions to the site owner or to the site administrator. If you are unable to find appropriate contact method or details through this Web site, you may use publicly-available WHOIS information, pursuant to same and other applicable restrictions. Inquiries will generally be processed within one business day.
V. Security of service and confidentiality of data
In order to protect the integrity of data destined for, residing on, and outgoing from this server, we have implemented strict security policies and we perform daily vulnerability audits. Any financial transaction initiated through this Web site will be secured using high-grade encryption.
All recorded visitor data is considered to be confidential. Such data will be accessible only to authorized personnel and entities.
VI. Updates to this document
This document may be updated from time to time; please revisit this page in order to stay informed about our current policies.